Figure Legend:
Fig. 1. Two types of spike-wave discharges in WAG/Rij rats. a. - Representative example of a spike wave discharge of the 1st (generalized) type. b. Representative example of a spike-wave discharge of the 2nd (local) type. Calibration: 1 sec., 500 mcV. 1 - frontal, 2 - parietal, 3 - occipital. fig1.tif fig1variant.tif Fig. 2. The localization of the electrodes in rat # 45 and averaged form of paroxysmal complexes in corresponding parts of the cortical surface. The computer superposition of 10 discharge's fragments. In each frame left figures shows the beginning of SWD, the right one - the end of SWD. Horizontal bar represents 100 msec. fig2.tif Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of the spikes and waves of the 1st type of spike-wave discharge. Four (a,b,c,d) 3-dimensional plots of the average (n=35) amplitude (microV) distribution maps of the spike component made at the beginning (a) and end (c) and the average amplitude distribution map of the beginning (b) and end (d) of the wave component of the 1st type of spike-wave discharge. e - a flattened surface of the neocortex of the rat. O. - occipital pole, F. - frontal pole. fig3.tif Fig. 4. The 3-dimensional diagram for probability of the 2nd type of SWD detection (averaged data,n=25). a - the horizontal plane presents the surface of the cortex, height corresponds to the probability of a local spike-wave discharge registration in the given cortical area (in percents). b - the flattened surface of the neocortex of the rat, each square presents a 2 x 2 mm cortical area. F. is frontal, O. is occipital. fig4.tif Fig. 5. Effects of haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg i.p.) and saline injection on the spike-wave discharges of the 1st type. Absciss - time in minutes, ordinate - number of SWDs per 5 minutes ( 10 rats, averaged data). fig5.xls Fig. 6. Effects of apomorphine administration (0.5 mg/kg i.p.) on both types of spike-wave discharges. Averaged data (6 rats) for 1st and 2nd type of SWD. Averaged number of SWDs in background EEGs was assumed as 1. Absciss - time in minutes. Suppression of the 1st type of spike-wave discharges; facilitation of the 2nd type of spike-wave discharges. fig6.xls

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