2nd International Conference on
Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy
July 6 - 10 1998.Moscow, Russia.

Postdeadline Abstracts

Deadline for regular abstracts is May 1, 1998. Postdeadline papers must be sent not later than June 1, 1998. The Program Committee cannot guarantee that postdeadline papers will be published in the Abstract book. Only files in WinWord 6/7/8 format are accepted for postdeadline abstracts. Abstracts have to be sent as an attachment to E-mail message to: tdls@nsc.gpi.ru


Abstracts are accepted either in printed (not later than May 1) or in electronic form. The last one should be in WinWord 6/7/8 format. The electronic form of abstracts is highly preferable.

Abstracts should be printed on a single page of A4 or Letter size. The abstracts will not be edited. Authors are fully responsible for both appearance and content of their submission.

1. The title should be centered and typed in upper case.

2. The name(s), affiliation and address of the author(s) should be centered and typed in upper and lower case letters.. The name of the author who will attend the meeting should be underlined.

3. Abstracts should be typed single spaced using Times 12 pts font. Margins should be at least the following: top - 3.5 cm; bottom - 2.5 cm; right - 2.5 cm; left - 2.5 cm (3 cm for Letter size paper). Maximum length is one page.

4. Abstracts should be received by the Organizing Committee in Moscow not later than May 1, 1998. (See the top of this page for Postdeadline Abstracts Information).

5. Abstracts will be acknowledged upon receipt by the Organizing Committee and authors will be informed the form of their presentation.

Abstracts in WinWord 6/7/8 format should be sent as an attachment to E-mail message to: tdls@nsc.gpi.ru

Printed abstracts should be sent to:
Dr. Maxim Spiridonov, General Physics Institute
38 Vavilov Str., Moscow 117942, Russia

Here you can find Abstracts received by the Program Committee